Sunday, June 9, 2019

What is Wisdom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What is Wisdom - Essay ExampleSo what is wisdom? What atomic number 18 characteristics of wise person? Who is a wise person?Scholars have defined the term wisdom differently. Sometimes it is regarded as the more developed and sophisticated unionize of common sense. It is believed that wisdom can be developed by experience. Some others consider it as the ability to predict consequences and acting for the common good. A normal accepted definition of Wisdom is the ability to make right choices without having complete information. Robert M May says the Wise Men and Wise Women of history knew that we must wreak to faculties beyond those of sense and reason in dealing with questions of wholes and determine. Feeling and intuition are as important faculties of the psyche as are sensation and intellect, if not more so. (May, 2004). Dr. Robert Sternberg, a professor of Psychology and Education at Yale University, defines wisdom as the application of intelligence and experience as mediated by values toward the achievement of a common good through a respite among intrapersonal, interpersonal, and extra personal interests, over the short and long terms, to achieve a balance among adaptation to existing environments, shaping of existing environments, and selection of new environments. (Sternberg). This definition of wisdom contains three important points such as placement of values at bottom wisdom, importance of action and wisdoms drive towards balance. Thus, wisdom becomes the ability to discern the truth.He, O men, is the wisest who, like Socrates, knows that his wisdom is in truth worth nothing. In the context of above quotation, some may argue that in a practical sense wisdom, or what it makes a persons be, fetches nothing. Socrates, for his being wise achieved nothing. He was condemned, disadvantaged of his freedom. He was tried by a jury which is appointed by a majority of the citizens. Were all those citizens wise? Not many will agree. It

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